sexta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2010

Our precious baby girl: Claire Eva Hunt

It has been 5 weeks since our baby girl Claire has joined us. Time surely flies by... I have been trying to find some time to update our blog but being a mom is really hard work. No breaks, no sleep, no time to do anything besides take care of the little baby. Which is really exciting and we feel really blessed to be Claire's parents. She sure is a good baby, she hardly cries, and sleeps up to 5 hours during the night. We love her more than words can explain and are extremely happy to have her in our lives!

Here are some pictures we took throughout the month of October...

Right before Claire was born, leaving to the hospital. My last pic with my preggo belly... :( Oh How I miss that!
Getting ready to Welcome Claire to the World! I look HUGE in this pic!! :p
The supporting crew! Mom, Troy and Dad! By far I can say that was the happiest day of my life!
Claire is here! And this is out first family picture! Cute huh?! Besides the fact that the doctor was still working on me... (ha ha) And I look super uncomfortable...
Claire Eva Hunt born at 3:14PM on October 7th, 2010
7lbs 18 inches
Troy's first "dad" moment... Oh, How I love my little family...
Getting ready to go home!! 10/09/2010
5 days old... Heading to her first Doctor's appointment. That's what happens when Troy baby sits Claire. Isn't this picture so Darling?! First time going to Church. 3 weeks old... She makes a LOT of funny faces! She is her mommy's daughter! ha ha

Posing for the picture... "Magnum" face. LOL If you have ever seen the movie "Zoolander" you will know what I'm talking about. She is so funny. She loves making that face to take pictures.

Playtime with mommy - 2 weeks oldTummy time! She doesn't really seem to care when I put het on her tummy. But somehow she always looks like she is not having fun. Oh life!
Enjoying her swingMom and daughter
I hope you guys enjoy this posting... Baby Claire is doing really well and I am finally starting to feel "normal" again. Troy has been the best husband and father we could ever ask for! We will keep you posted!
The Hunts

quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010


Mais uma semana e completarei 40 semanas de gravidez!! O tempo voa, nao eh? Ainda eh dificil acreditar que tem uma bebezinha dentro de mim e que seremos pais! Minha nossa!!

No comeco dessa semana, dia 20 de Setembro foi meu aniversario e muitas pessoas achavam que ela viria naquele dia pois so assim eu aprenderia a compartilhar a minha data favorita do ano... haha Mas nao foi dessa vez.

Tudo tem ido muito bem com minha gravidez e ontem a noite tivemos que ir ao hospital para ver se minha bolsa tinha estourado, mas foi so alarme falso. ;) Pense numa bebezinha danada!

Agora que ja temos tudo prontinho pra chegada dela, ela nao tem dado sinal nenhum de que quer sair de dentro da minha barriga. Mas tudo que sabemos eh que tudo esta indo bem com ela e comigo tambem. Troy tem estado ocupado, para variar, com a faculdade de Direito, mas assim como eu e todos nos, tambem esta ancioso para a chegada da nossa pequena...

Espero esteja bem com todos!



Going Private

Gente vou comecar a postar bem mais quando a bebe vier e so queria avisar que se voces ainda quiserem continuar lendo nosso Blog terao que me dar seus e-mails para que eu coloque na lista de permissao... Podem deixar um recado ou mandar email para


Just to let you guys know that we'll be going private, so if you still want to keep reading our posts send us your email by commenting on this post or send us an email to
I will be posting a lot more once the baby comes to update friends and family...



segunda-feira, 31 de maio de 2010

O tempo voa!

Eh dificil de acreditar que eu ja estou com 26 semanas de gravidez e que as coisas tem ido muito bem por aqui. A bebe tem estado muito danada ultimamente e sempre me faz lembrar o quando eu a amo! Ela eh uma boa companheira e nunca me da trabalho nenhum... Ainda tem estado trabalhando na padaria e isso tem ficado cada vez mais dificil. Minhas costas doem demais mas acho que eh isso que esta me ajudando a nao ganhar peso na gravidez. Ja tive tres ultrasons e tive a oportunidade de ver minha bebe direitinho. Terei mais uma em duas semanas, pois na ultima que tive a minha medica falou que minha placenta estava baixa e que queria ver se tinha saido do canto para nao nos preocuparmos mais. Mas tirando isso, tudo tem ido muito bem na gravidez.

Tirei essa foto depois da Igreja quando estava 24 semanas e 4 dias gravida

Tivemos tambem a oportunidade de celebrar o dia dos pais da casa dos meus sogros e foi muito bom! Nossa bebe ainda nem chegou, mas de uma coisa voces podem ter certeza, eh de que o Troy eh/sera o melhor pai do mundo!

Troy tem estado bem tambem. Trabalhando demais como sempre e pensando no nosso futuro. Decisoes...Decisoes... Isso eh tudo que eu tenho a dizer...

25 semanas e 1 dia de gravidez
Queria aproveitar para contar para voces que a irma do Troy, Holly, tambem esta gravida. A data marcada para ela ter o bebe eh dia 17 de Dezembro e toda a familia esta muito animada. Teremos dois bebes na familia num periodo muito curto. Que lindinha!! Amamos muito a Holly e esperamos que tudo de certo na gravidez dela, ainda nao sabemos o sexo do bebe mais tenho quase certeza de que sera um menino! ;)
Espero que tudo esteja bem com todos. Tudo esta muito bem por aqui!! Somos imensamente gratos por todas as bencas que o Pai Celestial tem nos dado!
Ate a proxima...

quinta-feira, 6 de maio de 2010

It's a GIRL!

On Monday we had an unltrasound and found out we're having a girl! We were so excited!! We were hoping for a boy but as soon as we found out we were having a girl we were extremely happy. She was so cute moving all over the place...It was hard to get a good picture of her. She would not stop moving... She is so little and already acts like her mom. ha ha I love her so much...I can totally picture her like a mini me!!

It was such a special day! Mommy and Daddy went with us and made our day much better! They are the best grandparents that our little one could ask for. We love them so much! We went to PF Changs for a little celebration! ;)

Here is a pic of me with my growing belly. I feel like its not growing at all but people keep telling me that I am totally showing...I don't know about that. haha I was 17 weeks and 5 days preggo when I took this pic.

And this is our little one's perfil. I can't wait to see her face! I already love her so much!! It is hard to explain... We have been so blessed lately... Our baby, our jobs, our family and friends... We could not ask for any better than this!

Hope you guys enjoy this post and I will try to keep you updated!

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010


A tradicao aqui nos Eua nao sao grandes ovos de pascoa como nos temos no Brasil. A coisa engracada eh que eu nao sabia disso ate que cheguei aqui. Eles geralmente fazem "egg hunting" onde eles colocam surpresinhas dentro de ovinhos de plastico e escondem para que as criancas possam achar. E tambem se voce for muito bonzinho, o coelhinho da pascoa te deixa uma cesta de pascoa de manha cheia de chocolates e doces. Mas nesse ano decidimos comprar os tradicionais ovos de pascoa do Brasil para que nossa pascoa fosse completa. ;) Fomos no final de semana da pascoa para a casa dos pais do Troy e como voces podem ver pela foto de cima, o coelhinho da pascoa veio para a gente! Ai que coelhinho danado!!

E aqui somos nos com os nossos ovos de pascoa... Lindos! Nossa pascoa foi muito boa, nossas vidas estao indo muito bem, e na proxima quarta-feira terei a minha segunda consulta com a Dra e eu mal posso esperar!! Beijos e beijos

terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010

Our first ultrasound

Life is going well... It kinda seems like we are going to be living in Utah for a little while. Which is good... I love living here. So far, everything is going good with the baby. A week ago we got to see out little one and hear his heart beat. It was amazing! The baby is just so little, it is hard to believe that already has a heart that beats so strong. We don't know the gender yet and won't know for 8 more weeks... Well, here is the pic we got when we had our first ultrasound. The baby was 10 weeks and 5 days old by then.

I decided to post this pic because I don't think I will be showing for a while. Right know I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant and as you can see, no belly at all. And by the way, no morning sickness either.
My cute and handsome husband wearing jeans pants. Isn't he so handsome?!

One of our favorite hobbies lately is going out to All-you-can-eat Sushi! YaY! I got Troy addicted to it. haha We love it!

Everything is going well for us. Hope ya'll are happy and well. And that's all for now. haha

terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010

And That's What Troy Got For His Birthday!

We have been really busy lately. Troy's got a job and got scheduled to work a graveyard shift the night before his Birthday. So he got home at 7 o'clock in the morning and I hadn't planned anything for his Birthday since he had the car with him. By the time he went to bed was the time I woke up for the day and since was my day off I decided to do some shopping and buy something nice to my handsome and lovely husband.

After thinking for a while I couldn't think in something better than taking a pregnancy test and hope to get a positive result to give him for his Birthday. Well, we have been trying to get pregnant since I have had a miscarriage two months ago, I thought that would be a really neat idea to give as his Birthday present. So I went to Wal-Mart to do my shopping but I coundn't take my fabulous idea out of my mind so I had to get the pregnancy test and went straight home. And the result was what I was hoping for: We're pregnant!! The picture below you can see Troy's face totally surprised when he opened his Birthday present.

We are hoping that everything goes well this time. We are really excited and the expected baby due is going to be around my Birthday. September 20 - 30. Isn't that so funny?!

Happy Birthday to my babe! Husband, I freakin' love you more than anything in this World!

Hope you guys enjoy our good news...