terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010

Our first ultrasound

Life is going well... It kinda seems like we are going to be living in Utah for a little while. Which is good... I love living here. So far, everything is going good with the baby. A week ago we got to see out little one and hear his heart beat. It was amazing! The baby is just so little, it is hard to believe that already has a heart that beats so strong. We don't know the gender yet and won't know for 8 more weeks... Well, here is the pic we got when we had our first ultrasound. The baby was 10 weeks and 5 days old by then.

I decided to post this pic because I don't think I will be showing for a while. Right know I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant and as you can see, no belly at all. And by the way, no morning sickness either.
My cute and handsome husband wearing jeans pants. Isn't he so handsome?!

One of our favorite hobbies lately is going out to All-you-can-eat Sushi! YaY! I got Troy addicted to it. haha We love it!

Everything is going well for us. Hope ya'll are happy and well. And that's all for now. haha

2 comentários:

Rebeca Price disse...

owwww, ta muito fofo esse bebe ja viu???
Kel, dah uma lida sobre qual tipo de sushi vc pode comer ok??

Sara LaClaire disse...

we love sushi ya! let us know next time you're going. love you!